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Where Can I Find...?
Key Chapters of the Bible
These are not always the only place in the Bible where these are discussed, but they are a good place to find any story or doctrine mentioned.
Parables of Jesus
Since some parables are found in more than one Gospel, and some are not, these are listed first in the order found in Matthew; then those not in Matthew but present in Mark. Finally, those found only in Luke are listed.
Help from God's Word
Help in time of need if you need: assurance, comfort, peace, guidance, faith, assistance, information, and understanding.
Insight from God's Word
These are the doctrines, beliefs, or world views that separate Christians from non-believers and confessional Lutherans from other believers. Some are not directly addressed by Scripture passages, but are addressed by a combination of Scripture and logic.
Key Topics
Understanding God's Will
To use this section, look for key topics - they will either point you to Bible passages that explain key beliefs (doctrines), or which cover problems in the world or desirable behaviors (virtues) in Christians.
Other Resources
A Reason for Hope
Pastor Don Patterson, Holy Word Lutheran, Austin, TX
Time of Grace and The core
Mike Novotny, senior pastor at The Core, which is a second campus of St. Peter Lutheran, Appleton, WI
Faith LutheraN
Pastor John Schroeder, Sharpsburg, GA
Seminary Essay Files
The WLS Digital Library (WLSDL) collects, preserves, and distributes digital theological materials. Among the repositories hosted by the WLSDL are the WLS Essay File and the WLS World Seminary Library.